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CIPPE bring China to focus

Source:Huanding Energy Services    Time:2013/3/21 15:26:28    Views:10351

2013 is another special year for China's oil and gas industry,characterised by the increased gap between energy supply and demand.

The industry has entered into a key development period in 2013,which is only two years from the end of the current energy development schedule for the 12th five-year period.

Currently,the global oil and gas industury faces challenges to tap difficult reserves.The challenges include tapping reservirs with ultra low permeability,maintaining the recovery of mature fields,the development of uncoventional hydrocarbons and deepwater oil and gas exploration and development.These tough issues have prompted the Chinese manufacturing sector to shift to high-end and smart fabrication and enhance the local content for key tools and equipment.

The International Petroleum Summit,themed on innovation and creating a future wwith smart fabrication,was held on 19 March,focusing on drilling,well completion,fracturing technologies and their application.More than 300 delegates from China's top three energy companies,their engineering and research houses and service providers as well as the world's top four service companies participated in the event.